
Our Childcare Philosophy in Ipswich and Logan

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We strive to be an early childhood centre that fosters a community of learners, where children are encouraged to participate and explore and where learning is interactive, experimental, and socially constructed. A child's educational journey is summed up by Jacques Delors (1996), who believes democratic education is through Learning to be, learning to do, learning to learn and learning to live together. In our contemporary times, educators and families can work collaboratively to promote children's learning and development in multiple ways and contribute to this service's philosophy, policies, and procedures. By taking a holistic approach to learning and development in early childhood, we believe all aspects are interconnected and mutually dependent. Our statement of philosophy underpins our everyday practice and decision-making through our goals and outcomes.

Our Childcare Philosophy

  • Educational Program and Practice

    We believe that the curriculum contributes to every child's learning and identity. We incorporate the community, child's wellbeing and cultural identity into the program. We use the approved learning frameworks to ensure that each child's development is reflected upon group and individual learning and guided to learn and achieve at their personal level. This is reinforced by Vygotsky's (1978) zone of proximal development theory, where the child is supported through their learning by scaffolding and shared thinking to co-construct deep understandings and achieve a level of individual competency.

  • Children's Health and Safety

    We believe that the early years are important in guiding children to be healthy and physically active and underpin their fundamental knowledge for their future. We provide nutritious meals following the nutritional guidelines set out by Nutrition Australia and Staying Healthy in Childcare. We will ensure that children are protected from harm and hazards. We will manage these incidents and emergencies with professionalism and care.

  • Physical Environment

    We provide everyday experiences to stimulate imagination, curiosity and creativity, which we believe is the key to successful learning. We provide an inclusive environment that promotes independence and inspires learning through play. To keep the centre sustainable and environmentally friendly, our service utilises our natural outdoor playscape areas. Our sustainability practices are incorporated throughout our daily programming. We believe that maintaining a safe and welcoming environment is important to ensure that Families and Children feel part of our community while at our service.

  • Staffing Arrangements

    We provide educator-to-child ratios in accordance with national regulations and laws. We encourage our educators to further their educational qualifications and provide professional development opportunities in areas of need or interest related to the industry. We will ensure that our interactions with our Families, children, and staff are respectful and professional at all times.

  • Relationships With Children

    We believe in building relationships through warm and positive interactions with children. We strive to maintain these relationships by ensuring all children feel secure and included at Children's Choice. We will ensure that children in our care contribute to and are supported in their decision-making and their dignity is maintained at all times.

  • Collaborative Partnerships With Families and Communities

    At Children's Choice, we believe that it takes a community to raise a child. That is why we try to maintain positive and open relationships with families and community organisations. We also believe that being a part of the wider community is very important for children, families and staff so they understand who they are and where they come from. This is supported by Broffenbrenner (1984), who states that the child is in the centre of an ecological social system influenced by relationships and partnerships around the child. This is also maintained by Rogoff (2003), who states the image of the child is part of a community of practice, emphasising social interactions and community influences, where participation is guided within a community of learners.

  • Leadership and Service Management

    We believe that collaborative continuity of care is important to our families, children and staff. We strive to provide the community of Children's Choice with both qualified and dedicated staff who are committed and devoted to providing continuous improvement. We believe that we are helping to guide the children's knowledge and life skills for their effective involvement in contemporary society.

Share our approach to early childhood education? Contact us today to enrol your child or learn more about our philosophy. 

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